Islampur School Teachers Facing Salary Stoppage: Blame Game Continues
By Dipankar Dey (TNI Islampur) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Islampur 5th August 2017: A Blame game between school teachers and Education administration has lead to the stoppage of salary for the Islampur Sub Divisional Schools. It is learned that all other school teachers from different sub divisions of Uttar Dinajpur districts have received salary on 1st August accept Islampur sub division. The school teachers directly blame the School Inspection Office. However, on the other hand, the sources from the School Inspection office said that mandatory some declarations related to House Rent, Basic pay, Increment, Investment etc are required for compilation and revision of the salary of the school teachers. The teachers of Islampur Sub Division did not submit in due time, hence the treasury branch has withheld the salary bills. School Teacher Association leaders like Mr. Babulal Maitra and Mr. Somnath Majumdar echoed their grievances in the same line related to the delay in salary. However, the School Inspector (Madhyamik) Mr. Narayan Sarkar told TNI “Very soon the problem will be solved”.
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